Thursday, 21 February 2019

Fear the greatest enemy of man

FEAR------ amongst all things, the greatest enemy of man is fear, which at its first entrance is quite harmless, but in the end seeks to put man in a metal cell plugged to the matrix like a battery cell.
       Fear shall make a man loose grip of his spirit, his sense and his composure, thus opening up his spirit to any and all means of perceived survival which includes but may not be limited to things that put him in parallel to GOD, GOD,s plans, all existential forces of Nature and his own very spirit.
            From fear was all evil born and from fear does all evil come. From fear and to fear do all evil deeds lead. It,s mere conception into your mind begins a train of event's that eventually lead to the total and absolute destruction of the immortal human soul, which if not checked and prevented shall consume all human lives and life on earth as we know it.
The most unique thing about fear however is that it is not real.

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Fear the greatest enemy of man

FEAR------ amongst all things, the greatest enemy of man is fear, which at its first entrance is quite harmless, but in the end seeks to put...